Wednesday, April 6, 2016



On Mt. Princeton there was lots of snow
When the wind blew the trees would flow
I could hear the birds chirp and sing
That's the first sign of spring

Spring Break

 During my Spring Break I hung out with my dad
While I was there I went to the mall
It was the most fun I have ever had
I stubbed my toe walking through the hall
My dad took me to go see a movie
I almost got in a fight at the park
Got some new clothes that were really groovy
The whole time I heard my sisters dog bark
i hung out with my sister and her friend
I had a Java Chip from Starbucks
I played fetch with my sisters dog and she grinned
We got stuck behind a bunch of big trucks
At the end of my break I was really tired
I couldn't sleep i was so wired

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A stranger comes to town

   A stranger comes to town
                                                   By:  Rachel Nadeau
The story starts with a boy named Simon he is fourteen, has brown hair and blue eyes the color of the ocean. Simon and is a very shy person and likes to hang out in his room all day after school doing nothing but listing to music and do his homework. He comes home from school one day and his parents have some news for him and they tells him that they are going to be moving to a new town because his mom got a new job there. So of course he gets really mad and starts yelling at his parents.
His mom said, “I am sorry we have to do this it’s what is best for the family.”
Simon gave his mom a very mean look and stomped all the way to his room and slammed the door. He was furious.
He woke up the next morning thinking about how his day was going to go today. So he walked out of his room and heard his mom talking to someone on the phone about getting a new house so he shrugged rolled his eyes and walked away but he wasn’t as mad about the situation as much as yesterday. He walked back into his room and sat on his bed.

He said to himself, “Well if we are going to move I might as well pack now.”
 His mom walked into his room while he was packing and she told him that it wasn’t going to be that bad. They sat in silence for about two minutes until he finally said, “well maybe I don’t want to leave.” After a few they packed all of their stuff and headed onto the new house. The ride must have taken at least two or three hours until they finally got there. When they finally got there Simon got out of the car and mumbled to himself, “This sucks.” When got inside the house He thought this isn’t half bad. That night he set up his bed and went to sleep because he had a long day.
A first few days at his house he was being lazy and didn’t want to do anything. He woke up the next morning motivated to clean his room for some reason and he didn’t even know why he said, “this place looks like a junkyard, but I have to clean it.” He hated cleaning it was the worst thing ever to him but he was sick of the mess. After his room was clean he went down stairs to see if his parents were awake then he saw his parents cooking his favorite meal… well for breakfast anyway. They thought that if they made him breakfast it would take away all of the anger but it didn’t once they told him he had to go to school the next morning he was furious. Simon ran up to his room and slammed the door and his parents heard it his dad mumbled, “He really has a thing for slamming doors doesn’t he?” He fell asleep earlier that day and woke up at about 9 O’clock that night and that was 30 mins away from his normal bed time so he just laid in bed thinking about how school would go. He was so scared to go to a new school because he had no friends there. He just decided to stop worrying about school and just fell asleep. He was in a deep sleep and his alarm went off and jumped out of bed got dressed and went down stairs and saw his parents sitting down watching the news he hated it when they watched the news.

He was eating breakfast when he heard the bus pull up and ran outside. He finally got to school and waited on the bench next to the door when he heard the bell ring he didn’t know where his classes were so he asked a teacher and she took him there when he got to the classroom he introduced himself to the teacher.
          The teacher said, “Hi I am Mr. Samuel.”  
                        Simon said, “Hi I am Simon.”
They shook hands and told him he could go sit where ever he wanted. Mr. Samuel had to leave the room so he told the class I will be right back. Well Simon tried to go sit by one of the people that were popular and they told him that he couldn’t sit there. Why? Said Simon. He said because you are not cool enough to sit with us. So he walked to the back of the room and sat down.
A girl named Isabelle said, “Why do you have to be such a jerk?” Image result for images houses
“Because I can. Also who are you to tell me what to do?”
She just glared and looked away. After that class Simon saw Isabelle in the hall and told her, thanks for sticking up for me in there. You’re welcome she said, and walked away. After school that day Jacob went up to him and tried to get him mad because the whole school new that Jacob always wanted a good fight with the new kid. So when Jacob got next to him his was talking about him saying that he needed a girl to stick up for him, but of course he didn’t she just happened to say something. When it was time to load the busses they got on the buss together and had to listen to Jacob talk crap about him and when they finally got to his house and Simon tried getting off of the buss Jacob tripped him. Simon then got off and walked of the bus ran to the door and when inside. His mom was sitting on the couch.
His mom said, “How was your first day of school?”
     Good I guess he said.
The next day at school Isabelle and her friend Autumn walked up to Simon and Isabelle introduced Autumn to him. They both asked if he wanted to be friends with them or maybe even hang out some time. Sure, that would be great he said. He was at home that night eating dinner and he told his mom what the girls asked him and she said that they could hang out after school tomorrow.
He went up to Isabelle and Autumn that next morning and asked if they could hang out after school that day. They both said yes. So after school that day they all went to hang out at the park. There was a gas station next to the park so they all went to go get something to eat and drink and when they came back out they saw that Jacob and his friends were all at the park and Jacob saw them and walked up to them and he was talking crap to Simon and Jacob hit him in the head and the got into a fist fight and when it was over and Simon went home his mom saw that his mouth was bleeding and got worried.
“What happened” his mom said
     “Its fine I just got in a fight it is not a big deal I won so it doesn’t matter.”
The next day at school when Jacob passed Simon in the hall he said hi to him and he was wondering why Jacob was being so nice to him. Jacob was continually being nice to him for the past week and Jacob finally got the nerve to go up to him and tell him that he was sorry for being such a jerk and beating him up. He said its fine things happen. Jacob said so do u want to be friends? Sure Simon said. They were friends for weeks after that. Until his mom decided she wanted to move again since he got beat up.
He was screaming at her saying, “But I just made new friends we can’t move now I just made new friends this isn’t fair.
“I am sorry, she said, we have to do this I am not going to deal with you getting bullied.
“Fine. whatever!” Simon said.
The next morning he told all of his friends that he was going to be moving because of his mom. They were really sad but mad at the same time because they hate when they make friends and they have to leave.
   “Ya I am packing tonight and leaving tomorrow.”
After school that day all of this friends gathered up and said bye to him and when he got home he packed and the next morning he was gone.

Monday, January 11, 2016


  Hi everyone welcome to my blog hope you enjoy it !!!!